電腦磁碟 D同C 的分別
回答 (3)
正常說 磁碟C是一個系統磁碟 so如果想要電腦行得好d 最好預留5Gb以上的位置
so好多人都會把文件放在磁碟D 因為磁碟D無論只剩下多少容量 對電腦影響不大
When you double click my computer and double click the Local Disk C: you will see a folder named Program Files all the program and data are store in this folder if you choose to install the program in Disc C. A lot of people will store important data in other disk such D or E if they have two disk. Normally
Operation System (OS) is install in Disk C and if it was corrupt or need to be
reinstall the OS all data stored in this disk would be erase during formatting.
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:12:35
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