opportunity cost問題!急!

2008-11-02 4:25 am
cost, price 同 value 的分別(例子)
opportunity cost 係睇cost 定value 定 price
"對你現時既選擇或個cost既選擇既評價有變,即係以第二, 三題既例子,就係如果覺得個演唱會唔好睇或者突然覺得個袋唔靚,都唔會影響個cost既升跌,因為物品既價錢並沒有改變。"

如果覺得個袋唔靚, 唔係應該有變咩因為你對袋果個value降低
所以個opportunity cost 唔係應該低左咩

仲有,答opportunity cost 係幾多時候, 係答the value of xxx定係$x
如果答$x 既話, 咁個opportunity cost算唔算視乎price

回答 (3)

2008-11-06 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,opportunity cost即係你揀左果樣野...放棄最好既野...
for example : 一個apple$5...一個orange$5..一個梨$5...
如果你揀左orange......opportunity cost 就會係apple...
如果你揀左apple..opportunity cost就會係orange...
如果你揀左梨....opportunity cost就會係apple..


如果覺得個袋唔靚, 咁個opportunity cost咪係你揀左個袋而放棄左果樣野...
所以d錢就係opportunity cost ....
the value of opportunity cost 緊係高左!
參考: 自己...希望你明白=]
2008-11-06 4:53 am
cost, price 同 value 的分別
opportunity cost = the greatest value thing you give up while you make your choice.
price = normally the selling price
value = depends on the person's perference towards the product --> different to everyone.

Example: You have $500, you have two ways to spend this $500.
1, buy a concert ticket ($500)
2, buy a bag ($500)

The cost (opportunity cost) of buying the ticket is the bag, and cost of buying the bag is the ticket.
The price is $500. It is a fixed amount. It will not change whether you like it or not after you buy it.
The value is how much you will pay for it. eg, You are willing to pay $800 for the ticket. Remember, the value of the product should be larger than or equal to the price so that you will buy it.

Therefore, if you dont like the bag, the value of the bag to you will decrease; the opportunity cost of the bag is still the ticket; and the price of the bag is still $500 too.
2008-11-02 8:17 am

我認為應是這是歷史成本/sunk cost,不會影響將來決定,不是價錢問題 詳情可看林本利 基礎經濟學歷微觀經濟學中的機會成本

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