
2008-11-02 1:44 am




回答 (4)

2008-11-02 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

I must say that it is not easy for you to push someone who doesn't like this
language much to study just for her coming HKCEE exam.

Do think again! Nothing is impossible!:)
Let me share my own experiences with you.
I met a local Chinese gal who was just like your friend.( exactly your case)
I did not choose to push her or anything. I just told her that
she would regret one day if she let herself fail the exam.
Finally she agreed that she would let me help her out.
In every lesson, I tried my very best with all my heart to show her
the funny stuff in the English language.
I remember telling her a joke about the word " toilet".

I said to her ," Once upon a time a group of naughty chaps
made fun of an old landlord by removing the letter " i"
from the apartment that he was going to let .
Also, when I taught her new words like eggplants and hamburgers,
I told her there were some funny parts about English.
How come there are no eggs in eggplants and there is no ham in burgers?
I even brought up oxymorons to show her some more crazier stuff in this

Why do we call a moron " a stupid moron?
A moron is supposed to be stupid right?
Why do we say" noisy but peaceful" in English ?
If it is noisy, how can it be peaceful huh?
She sorta laughed and told me that English in her eyes was not that boring.

We studied together for approximately a month. One day she rang me up
and told me that she had got her HKCEE result
and passed most of her subjects ---English was one of them.

I got tears in my eyes when I heard that.

Buddy, your heart is really in the right place.
If you really wanna help your friend with her studies, you can do it like what I did as well.

Just show her your sincerity and make her taste the fun of learning the
language with your heart.

If I can do it, so can you!

Good luck to you and your buddy !

Until then, tata for now.

2008-11-02 01:27:50 補充:
I said to her ," Once upon a time a group of naughty chaps
made fun of an old landlord by removing the letter " i"
from the apartment that he was going to let . "

2008-11-02 03:03:51 補充:
I said to her ," Once upon a time a group of naughty chaps
made fun of an old landlord by adding the letter " i" to the " to let ) sign hanging on
the apartment front door that he was going to let . " <---------I made some mistakes here. Sorry about that, pal.*********************************

2008-11-02 03:30:28 補充:
I said to her ," Once upon a time a group of naughty chaps
made fun of an old landlord by adding the letter " i" to the " to let " sign hanging on
the front door of the apartment that he was going to rent out." <---------- Finally correction!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-11-02 5:27 am
2008-11-02 3:48 am

2008-11-02 2:02 am
U can give your FD to read more ENG book...
I hate Eng before I am F.1...
But now,I like Eng!!!
Because I I am in Eng school now...
I don't know did I can help him><
參考: Myself

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