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其實 False Imprisonment 同 Unlawful Detention of Persons 係大致一樣嘅, 中文俗稱非法禁錮. 在美國, 加拿大就叫 False Imprisonment. 而在普通法國家例如英國, 香港就叫 Unlawful Detention of Persons. 當中微細分別在於 False Imprisonment 係唔需要証明犯罪者在非法扣留一個人期間有任何目的 / 得益, 而香港法例就列明犯罪者在非法扣留一個人期間係有目的嘅.
FALSE IMPRISONMENT - Any intentional detention of the person of another not authorized by law is False Imprisonment. It is any illegal imprisonment, without any process whatever, or under color of process wholly illegal, without regard to the question whether any crime has been committed or a debt due.
Cap 212 - SECT 42 of the Offences Against The Person Ordinance - FORCIBLE TAKING OR DETENTION OF PERSONS
Any person who, by force or fraud, takes away or detains against his or her will any man or boy, woman or female child, with intent to sell him or her, or to procure a ransom or benefit for his or her liberation, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment, and shall be liable to imprisonment for life.
警方錯誤地拘禁一個人或某人被判寃獄並唔係叫做 False Imprisonment
2008-11-01 15:06:05 補充:
Sorry, 打錯幾個字: "...在美國, 加拿大就統稱 False Imprisonment. 而在普通法國家例如英國, 香港就統稱 Unlawful Detention of Persons. ...."