中3 Physis 好淺的題目 -.- [ 10 分 ]

2008-11-01 6:59 pm

A student thinks that heat always flows from a body with more internal
energy to a body with less internal energy. Is he correct? Why?

最好用英文答丫 ,, 我用泥溫書用嫁 吾該晒 \口/


回答 (3)

2008-11-02 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
熱只會由高溫度的物件傳去較低溫的物件。一個有較多的internal energy唔代表件物件的temperature 一定好高。樓上都講過,佢好高既internal energy 可能也是受佢個state 同個mass所影響 。俾個例子:一個低溫度的氣體,與一個室溫的木頭,明顯木頭高溫過氣體,但氣體的internal energy 可能會大D,係因為果個氣體分子間既potential energy 大D。同埋如果有兩件物件,既使其中一件既internal 高D,唔代表佢既temperature 高,只是佢既mass 可能高D.
溫書用: Heat will only transfer from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature.Since the internal energy of the object depends on the mass,state and temperature,an object with higher internal energy does not necessarily have higher temperature.Hence,an object with higher internal energy may not transfer heat to an object with lower internal energy.
參考: from suggest soultion(我都抄返呢段英文解釋落notes 先=)
2008-11-01 7:23 pm
He is correct.Internal energy is the sum of kinetic energy of random motion
and intermolecular potential energy of all molecules in a system.If the body
with more internal energy,it means heat is more.According to thermal
equilibrium,heat tranferred from higher temperature to lower tempareture.

2008-11-01 11:39:24 補充:
參考: 我
2008-11-01 7:21 pm
It is not correct, heat always flows from a body with HIGHER TEMPERATURE to a body with LOWER TEMPERATURE. The internal energy is a sum of all energy, while temperature is a measure of its mean KE. eg when you put a bar of hot metal at ~ 50 degree C into a very large pond of water at ~30 degree C, The final temperature of the metal will be about 30 degree C. But the internal energy of the large pond of water is much much larger than that of metal bar.

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