
2008-11-01 7:57 am
1)The photographs below show a Hong Kong newt and alizard which can be foundin Tai Mo Shan
Country Park.

2)The two animals above belong to different vertebrate groups. Based on the photograph, state
one external feature of the newt that is characteristic of its group.

3)Name the vertebrate group to which the Hong Kong newt belongs.

4)Only a small number of Hong Kong newts exist today and it is listed as a protected species.
Suggest two reasons to account for its small population.

5)The diagram below shows a simplified food web in Tai Mo Shan Country Park:
5a)With reference to the given food web, draw a food chain that consists of five trophic levels.
5b)Construct a pyramid of numbers for this food chain.
5c)Explain the shape of this pyramid of numbers.

回答 (1)

2008-11-01 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 )下面的照片顯示,香港蠑螈和alizard可foundin大帽山

2 )兩個以上的動物屬於不同的脊椎動物群體。根據照片,狀態

3 )名稱的脊椎動物集團的香港蠑螈屬。

4 )只有少數香港newts今天存在,它被列為保護物種。

5 )如下圖顯示了簡化食物網在大帽山郊野公園:
5A )款關於給予食物網,吸引食物鏈組成的5個營養水平。
第5B )構建一個金字塔的數字為食物鏈。
第5c )解釋的形狀這金字塔的數字。

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