有無人正在讀緊university of bolton?

2008-11-01 7:29 am
是否難讀, 好易retake, 是否要上堂好密, 1星期上幾堂?功課多不多?
因正想2009年1月入讀FINAL YEAR, 請問完成個U 後, 張CERT幾時有得取, 是否要很久?好煩, 可否幫忙?

回答 (1)

2008-11-03 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
University of Bolton is study in Hong Kong and Independent. $57,000 pay by 4 installments every 3 months. it can exempt 7-8 papers of ACCA, I am graduate from U. of Bolton in 2006.

It will have 6 subjects and 5 examination, 1 subject is report that require student write 8000 words business topics report. Each subject have 1 assignment and 1 examination. Examination is OPEN BOOK, students will search the answer in internet and lecturer will give question to student before examination. 1 year for 2 semester, 1 semester take 3 subjects.

The University of Bolton office is in NORTH POINT, all the class and materials collect will through NORTH POINT office. If you complete the Bachelor, you will collect the certificate with the notification, (It mean UK will send the certificate to HK office and call student to collect).... Graudation held every year in Hong Kong, noramlly you can get the certificate when you passed all the exam after 3 months.............

如果你想知多d, 可以問Marketing Manager, 佢好好人, 唔會迫你讀, 解釋詳細
Enquiry : http://www.ced.com.hk/ - Contact to (Ms. Check) 卓小姐 27703022 to help U solve your problem!!!!

2008-11-02 19:30:37 補充:
I also know some people studying in Bolton now, being the new management team and lecturer change from 2006. All peoples found is harder than before, but it compare to other university like Curtin, HKU, Napier in Hong Kong, University of Bolton is the easy one, cheaper one and fastest one!!!!

2008-11-02 19:30:48 補充:
[email protected]

2008-11-02 19:33:45 補充:
唔想retake, you must spend your efforts and times.....don't expect it can use money to buy certificate ar!

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