BBA or BBs degree 有什麼分別? 那種好?

2008-11-01 6:16 am
BBA or BBs degree 有什麼分別? 那種好?

有什麼好的degree course 可以介紹呀?

回答 (2)

2008-11-04 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong has too many overseas degree not only you say of two degree.
I suggest you study local degree. more 老闆承認

If only choice one from two of your mention, I would choice University of Ireland.
參考: myself
2008-11-03 1:39 am
I assume you said BBA and B.S. (There is no such thing for BBs in this subject.)

No difference at all. BBA is Bachelor of Business Administration. B.S. is Bachelor of Science (in Business Administration, I assumed).

Most of them are the same except how people perceive it. Usually BBA is better for recognition because they think it is a degree specializing in Business. (Perception difference)

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