
2008-10-31 11:00 pm
不知大家是否有留意到每逢地鐵下一站會有一段廣播, 其中英文的說法是:
"Doors will open on the left."
如果照譯番中文會變成: "門會在左邊打開".
邏輯上, 若然這樣說, 就比人感覺似有一個類似多啦 A 夢的隨意門將會放在左邊, 然後打開.
其實, 要 match 返中文的意思 "左邊的車門將會打開" 是否應說成:
"Doors on the left will be opened."

回答 (4)

2008-10-31 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先想講你指的 will be opened 有甚麼問題.

雖然 open 這個字可以是 vt,但它也可以是 vi, 因此, 不必要刻意用被動式來表達的. will open 已ok了 (又例如: The bell rings. 已ok, 不用說成 The bell is rung by someone.)

Doors will open on the left. 是一句廣播的說話, 你說 Doors on the left will open. 也可以, 但感覺上, 說前者似乎較順耳. (可能聽得多慣了?)

Hope that helps!

2008-10-31 15:11:50 補充:
如果之後有更佳的回答, 請預先告訴我知, 給我一點時間 "走鬼" 才選答案好嗎? thanks! ^_^

2008-10-31 15:17:26 補充:
btw ... 語言可分為日常用語或法律用語等等不同範疇. 前者以簡明易為人接收主要訊息為主 (just accuracy and easy to understand should be ok la!); 後者則更注重 precision (所以有些文件的一字一點詞, 以致標點, 都必須小心應用, 但這類文字也可能是普通人難以理解的)

2008-10-31 15:18:04 補充:
just "accurate" and easy...

2008-10-31 15:18:27 補充:
... 所以有些文件的一字一(詞) ...

2008-10-31 16:23:47 補充:
回應 coqbc 關於「地鐵的廣播, 是一般英語人士所常用的講開地鐵用語」.

你提起來, 我便想起以前一條發問, 因為當時我懷疑這句地鐵標語是否真的經外國人看過後才正式使用的:

「Show you have a loving heart. Let s care for others?」


2008-10-31 16:25:20 補充:
....「講開地鐵用語,」你一提起來, 我便想起以前一條發問, 因為當時我懷疑這句地鐵標語是否真的經外國人看過後才正式使用的...

2008-10-31 16:26:34 補充:
「Show you have a loving heart. Let's care for others?」(似乎十分不自然)

2008-10-31 16:35:20 補充:

「嚴格」來說, Doors (on the left) will open. 比起 Doors will open (on the left). 是少了錯誤理解的機會. 但我相信, 所有聽到訊息的中外乘客, 都【不會因為聽了前句的陳述方式而有任何誤會】的, 所以, 就由得鐵路部門繼續這句廣播啦.

2008-10-31 16:38:26 補充:
但對於鐵路公司的車長們用 live 廣播時的說話, 就真係好多時聽不明 (葵芳去荔景站, 好多時都唔知車長講咩!), 可能是車長們的英文及普通話太「勁」了?

2008-10-31 16:40:58 補充:
又打錯字, sorry... 都【不會因為聽了「後一句」的陳述方式而有任何誤會】的...

2008-10-31 17:59:56 補充:
vmaksan: 你那句可以寫得更煩, 因為, 一列車有很多門的 (doors); 而且不是車長自己開門, 車長只是接鍵 (the captain will press the button ....), 及又要注明是 automatically opened by machine???? 有排煩.

2008-11-03 17:20:27 補充:
coqbc2000: 這是否已說明了, 鐵路部門使用的英語未必是經外籍人士看過才使用呢?

2008-11-03 17:23:37 補充:

(1) doors will be opened 不及 doors will open 好, 不是因長短問題, 而是因為 open 可以是 intransitive verb (vi), 說 doors will open 不會引來誤會的. (即使「中文」的講法, 也「不必說」車門將「被」打開!)

2008-11-03 17:27:45 補充:
(2) 「doors on the left」will open, 較 「doors will open」on the left, 較為「準確」, 因為你建議的說法, 不會被人「捉字失」說: "唔通那些門可以兩邊走, 一時在左開一時在右開?"

2008-11-03 17:28:54 補充:
(3) 但是, 通常聽者都不會誤以為門是可兩邊走的, 加上聽起來, 似乎 doors will open on the left 已成習慣了, 所以沒有必要太執著呢. ^_^

2008-11-04 16:34:03 補充:
coqbc: 你曾說: "所以, 地鐵的廣播, 是一般英語人士所常用的," 但如果有人寫出一句「Show you have a loving heart. Let's care for others?」你認為那位所謂 "用英文的主管" 是否有問題? 是否用了 "一般英語人士所常用的" 英語來與搭客溝通? 自己不太肯定, 最好先請教外籍同事.

2008-11-05 18:59:13 補充:
我前年發問所引述的句字, 是文字標語, 呼籲人讓座給有需要人士, 不是 live 廣播的說話.
2008-11-01 9:27 am

In English grammar, the verb in "your sentence" is mainly used
as an intransitive verb.

Do take a look at the following examples:

1) The bank opens at 9 am every day.

2) The door will open in five minutes.

3) The store opens at 10 am every morning.

Enough boring stuff about English grammar! Let's look at these two sentences
another way.
"Doors will open on the left."<---------" on the left" here indicates the
direction, it has nothing to do with the doors being put on the left .

In my opinion, your own sentence is awesome too .
May I suggest you change passive voice to active voice? guess we should not
break its rules here.
Also, you are absolutely right about doors not being able to open themselves
logically, but this is English. :)

May I finally conclude and say " "Doors will open on the left." and
" Doors on the left will open" are both reasonably correct ?^______^

PS: What a cool question you brought up!

That's all for now.
Until then, see you around, pal.
2008-11-01 12:54 am
咁都比你留意到, 我睇直譯冇咩問題呀,祇不過要將句英文前後掉轉
Doors will open on the left.=>
Doors on the left will open. 直譯就係


"左邊的車門將會打開"都冇講邊個打開度門,係自動門,即係自己動既門,自己開架麻。所以唔駛講 will be opened (by someone or something), 當然背後肯定有人去控制開關啦。

嘩,如果下下要咁清楚就煩死人喇。例如 The metal door on the left will be opened in exactly 10 seconds by the 30 years old male captain of this comfortable subway train made of stainless steel. This message is brought to you by ........ 死未!

go get a coke = go and get a coke
how come? = how does it come from? 點樣尼架?

2008-10-31 17:04:14 補充:
重有,如果乘容聽到Doors on the left will be opened 咁就個個都係度等人來開門,個心煩唔煩呀?

2008-11-01 02:26:24 補充:
Ken: 你講得冇錯,好想跟你提示再寫,不過我一提筆就煩到想嘔啦UUUUOOOCH
2008-10-31 11:21 pm
文法上, 你講得通, 但語文的運用, 有時不一定受文法的邏輯規限的,
所以, 地鐵的廣播, 是一般英語人士所常用的, 而你的講法也通, 不過英語人士聽來便覺得怪怪地!
又例如, 我有d好食ge東西, 你會怎樣講?
I have something good to be eaten,
I have something good for eating,
I have something good to eat?
你去睇醫生, 還是給醫生睇?
I am going to see a doctor, or I am going to be seen by a doctor?
講英文, 要用英文人的思维及惯用語來表達, 切忌用文中思想, 再通過那[不會變通]的文法的翻譯, 再轉為英文, 這樣你得出的是中式(或港式)英語!

2008-11-01 12:49:36 補充:
Ken 哥, show you have a loving heart 聽來很不自然, 應是中國式語法思维!
學外語的困難便是很難進入外國人的文化思维, 以至文法即使正確, 卻不甚 idiomatic,
和失去外國人表達上的 idiosyncrasy!

2008-11-04 13:00:51 補充:
但至少approve採用英文的主管, 也要有正宗英文的語文底吧!
自97後, 香港人的英文由差變劣!

2008-11-05 12:41:18 補充:
Ken 哥, 由此推想, 地鐵內部對廣播語言的管理不consistent, 輪到那人播, 便由她/他話事, 以致出現水準不一的現像??!!
參考: 常理, 扮代表, 靠估

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