
2008-10-31 9:54 pm

回答 (2)

2008-11-01 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實調分左好多,唔只 c major 同 f major
有唔同o既 tonality,可以容許首歌轉調
其中一個作用就係轉左成首歌o既 mood

例如 c major 轉 f major
本身 c major 唔使點彈黑鍵
但轉左去 f major,就要彈 Bb.
2008-11-01 12:32 am
what are you talking about??
different key signature has different keys in it
for example in c major has no sharps and no flats
f major has one flat which is b flat.
when you playing a piece, you always follow the the key signature
like the 'sonata no.3' by handel, is in f major, so you play every natural notes and the b flats not the b natural.
參考: myself

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