
2008-10-31 8:43 pm

回答 (3)

2008-11-01 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) The kitten is caterwauling. <-------" Caterwaul" is the word that what you

are looking for.

2) The kitten is purring for a partner.

3) The kitten is yowling for a partner.

****** 2) and 3) carry the similar meanings.

Bye bye:)

2008-11-03 03:20:19 補充:
1) The kitten is caterwauling. <-------" Caterwaul" is the word that you

are looking for.
2008-11-02 1:48 am
貓兒 cat (noun, subject)
叫春 request to make love, caterwauls (objective phrase with infinitive, verb)

The cat caterwauls
The cat requests making love

叫 call for, request, cry out, meow
春 spring, the first season in a year

The cat requests for spring.
The cat meows in/at spring
The cat meows for spring to come

Any tense is ok.

2008-11-01 17:54:04 補充:
I guess "meow" is the word that you are looking for.
2008-10-31 9:29 pm
貓兒叫春 :
Cat on the roof !
參考: Myself

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