
2008-10-31 6:33 am
『Trick or treat』的傳說:

回答 (5)

2008-11-01 6:27 am
Legend of " Trick or treat ":
Child today clothes want the custom of the candy from house to house, it is said that originated from Irish. Irish pagans at ancient West European time, it is believed that the ghost will troop it near the house on the All Saints' Day eve, accept and host a banquet for. Therefore, after finishing in " banquet ", villagers play the part of ghost spirits by oneself, it walks outside the village to visit, lead ghosts to leave, avoid evil spirits and avoid the calamity. At the same time herein, the villagers all pay attention to manipulation some fruit and other food after the front courtyard of the room too, feed foot ghost but unlikely to let them injure mankind and animal or rob other harvest. Custom this later on is it come down to extend, become child make fun of generous joke of house.
Have two kinds of statements at least too as for the pumpkin light. One say it is people that dig empty pumpkin is it have some funny face pay the fire of the candle in order to disperse the ghost to carve; Another kind say it is ghost that order candle fire that have, is it defraud of people fool and follow ghost to attempt, whether so people surface is it have one face that jeer at to carve in pumpkin, use to make fun of the ghost. Moan! The fool will just be fooled by you. Because legend spend pumpkin one Irishman Jack, so people name Jack-O-Lantern funny face pumpkin light for the first time.
2008-10-31 1:50 pm
chongmeihung17 不斷亂賣廣告,以前檢舉過,為何仍發生?

2008-10-31 05:55:15 補充:
Translation is not easy, especially if one is not fluent in writing the target language-- in this case the English language.
I hope that only those who can master the language will contribute answers for translation questions.

2008-10-31 05:55:35 補充:
Otherwise, these pages would be flooded with machine-generated translation works that do not make proper sense. It is an insult of the original composition in its source language, as well as an insult to the readers in general.
2008-10-31 8:04 am
2008-10-31 6:50 am
'Trick or treat' fable:   
The children today clothing house to house wants the sugar the custom, it is said stems from Ireland. When the ancient Western Europe's Irish heathens, believed that meets in Halloween eve ghost aggregated nearby the home, and accepts gives a banquet to receive cordially. Therefore, after 'the banquet' had ended, the villagers on oneself play the role of the ghost demon, walks randomly outside the village, the guidance ghost leaves, avoids evil influences exempts the disaster. Meanwhile, the villagers also pay attention after the room front courtyard organize a fruit and other foods, feeds the full ghost, but as for does not let them injure the humanity and the animal or plunders other crops. Afterward this custom has continued, became the children to tease not the generous family the joke.   
Also at least has two views as for the pumpkin lamp. One kind said that was the person hollow pumpkin has engraved the ugly face to light the candlelight to use to scatter the ghost; Another kind said that is candlelight which the ghost lights, attempted to swindle the people to be swindled, but was walking with the ghost, therefore the people engraved a taunt in the pumpkin surface the honor, with teased the ghost: Humph! At fool meeting your working as. Because what fable with pumpkin is irish person Jack, therefore the people are called the ugly face pumpkin lamp Jack-O-Lantern.

2008-10-31 6:43 am
Legend of " Trick or treat ":
Child today clothes want the custom of the candy from house to house, it is said that originated from Irish. Irish pagans at ancient West European time, it is believed that the ghost will troop it near the house on the All Saints' Day eve, accept and host a banquet for. Therefore, after finishing in " banquet ", villagers play the part of ghost spirits by oneself, it walks outside the village to visit, lead ghosts to leave, avoid evil spirits and avoid the calamity. At the same time herein, the villagers all pay attention to manipulation some fruit and other food after the front courtyard of the room too, feed foot ghost but unlikely to let them injure mankind and animal or rob other harvest. Custom this later on is it come down to extend, become child make fun of generous joke of house.
Have two kinds of statements at least too as for the pumpkin light. One say it is people that dig empty pumpkin is it have some funny face pay the fire of the candle in order to disperse the ghost to carve; Another kind say it is ghost that order candle fire that have, is it defraud of people fool and follow ghost to attempt, whether so people surface is it have one face that jeer at to carve in pumpkin, use to make fun of the ghost. Moan! The fool will just be fooled by you. Because legend spend pumpkin one Irishman Jack, so people name Jack-O-Lantern funny face pumpkin light for the first time.

2008-11-02 12:53:33 補充:

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