
2008-10-31 6:13 am
Can you tell me the difference about microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Be quick!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2008-10-31 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Microeconomics concern with human behaviour (producers and consumers) such as pricing machanism on goods and services, demand and supply mechanism, choices, firms' decision making under various market conditions and market structures. On the contrary, macroeconomics concern with the whole country. Government would consider fiscal and monetary policies in different stages in business cycle. GDP and GNP calculation for a closed and open economy. Basis of international trade among nations and inflation effect on a country.
2008-11-02 6:26 am
yes,yes!!for companies, individual firms & grouping firms to industries.
Macro : for a country : government policy, interest rate, Exchange rate, ecomony growth of a country
參考: 自已
2008-11-01 7:09 am
Micro : for companies, individual firms & grouping firms to industries.
Macro : for a country : government policy, interest rate, Exchange rate, ecomony growth of a country

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