(urgent ) which one is correct?

2008-10-31 3:42 am
..................., when I graduated in the BA marketing program
..................., when I graduated from the BA marketing program
..................., when I was graduated in the BA marketing program
..................., when I was graduated from the BA marketing program

回答 (4)

2008-10-31 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

We do not say " we graduated from or in a course or a programme".

We mainly say " we graduated from ( school or uni names here)".

If you insist on using the verb" graduated", you should then have to change
somethingas follows:

............................,when I graduated from ( school name here) with ( a
degree, for example) in the BA marketing programme.

.............................., when I completed the BA marketing programme.


In informal English, some even say " I graduated college in 1980."

Also, it is correct to say " I was graduated ....... "( You may use passive voice here too.)

Before I jet, let me leave you a website for reference.


Until then, bye for now.

2008-10-31 16:45:33 補充:
To vmaksan,

Don't give up. my dear friend!

Bad answers are often chosen as the best answer sometimes.
Look at it this way:

How do you expect someone whose English is not good to have the ability to pick what we call "
the best answer" ?

2008-10-31 16:46:27 補充:
By the way I've noticed that your English is quite good as a student.
Way to go, pal!
2008-10-31 9:31 pm
#2 is the correct one. Not #1.
2008-10-31 8:23 am
First one

when I graduated in the BA marketing program

program, degree use "in"

I normally say

........, when I graduated (from UCLA) with a B.A. in marketing.

2008-10-31 02:48:49 補充:
Aloha, dear dear 004whatiswhat24.
Upon your arrival here, I can't even think about my anwser being chosen as the best answer. Pathetic I am!

I Pass

2008-10-31 17:33:33 補充:
To whatiswhat24
Thanks for your complement.
You are right.
I am not a student no more. I only WAS a student in E.E. Yea, sweet nostalgia.
參考: , contract bridge
2008-10-31 3:50 am

When I graduated from the BA marketing program.
參考: 日常英語對話

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