明天考試 六年級程度的英文作文 -20分 作一篇20分 作兩篇另送20分

2008-10-31 3:24 am
題目:musician (my dream job)
(My Dream Job) (80 word)


題目:play piano (hobby)
(Hobby Name) (80word)
Play the piano


回答 (1)

2008-10-31 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Musician. As i grew up, i came to realize that i'm really interesting in music. I like how it can not only entertain myself but also people around me. It brings people happiness and a sense of joy. Different melody can affect different people's emotion. The higher tune i play may sound happy to people and the lower tune i play might sound scary to someone. Music is even used for a treatment to clam down patients for psychologist. Music can definetly affect people in many ways. That's why my dream job is to become a well known musician.

2) My hobby is playing the piano. Everytime i play the piano, it brings me a sense of joy. Everyone around me seems to turn happy due to the beautiful harmony my piano produces. Playing the piano allows me to clam down myself when i am too stressful about school and homework. No only that, but it allows me to entertain my friends and family with the soft tune it produces. Playing piano is a healthy thing to do. It allos me to work with my finger which produces faster motion. Playing the piano is surely my favorite hobby.
參考: me

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