Why healthy is important?

2008-10-31 1:41 am
Why healthy is important?

Can someone help me?! I must finish it today!!! @o@!

回答 (3)

2008-10-31 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good Health is very important to all of us in that

1) Without good health, how can students get good grades? Without good physical condition, how can we achieve work efficiency, high productivity or generate revenue no matter we are employers or employees? As such, all the fields in our society will be adversely affected.

2) If Hong Kong is full of diseases, especially those fatally infectious ones, how will overseas tourists come to visit Hong Kong? The image of Hong Kong tourism will be badly damaged.

3) If more and more people get sick and the cause cannot be traced and controlled, the condition may get even worse and death may finally result.

4) Medical professionals will be unable to help or take care of the patients. Actually the medical cost can be enormous and this may create a great burden to government expenditure.

5) National Leaders will be unable to administer the places well that they are responsible for.

6) Police will be unable to keep law and order.

7) Legal professionals will be unable to safeguard justice.

Everything in our society will be affected. Everyone will be in a bad mood and a poor physical condition. No one will have the required energy to do anything.

2008-10-31 1:48 am
I think healthy can improve your life , just like a nice day , it can be change your feelings , if you want to get it .
also, have a good healthy will effect everything ,such as homework ,housework ... etc.

PS: i hope i can help you .
2008-10-31 1:43 am
because we can do nothing without a healthy body!!
we have power to do things we want to do...

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