
2008-10-31 12:26 am


回答 (5)

2008-10-31 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

你好, 建議如下:

1) Please arrange the transportation to collect the donated items.
2) Kindly have your own car to pick up those donated sources.
3) Please have transportation by yourself to get the donated items.

2008-10-31 1:45 am
You need to arrange for the vehicle to get and present the goods and material by oneself.

2008-10-30 17:46:40 補充:
2008-10-31 1:33 am
You need to make their own arrangements to receive donations of goods vehicles.
參考: It must correct!!
2008-10-31 1:29 am
1) You are requested to collect the donated goods by your own transportation.
2) Please arrange transportation for collecting the donated goods.
參考: Own
2008-10-31 12:31 am
You should arrange vehicle to pull down the gratuity by yourself.

我不能絕對sure正確 ... 對不起~

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