
2008-10-30 10:19 pm
arm arm係集成買左兩隻正版CD,一隻係魔杰座另外一隻係eason精選,但當放入windows media player聽個陣時,入面既歌名同埋專輯名完全與魔杰座不乎..連eason個隻都係咁wor..why why why~~

回答 (3)

2008-10-31 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都有這種情況, 最近買咗魔杰座, 入面居然是周杰倫的演唱會,
我打電話比vcd舖, 問佢有無人投訴, 佢話無, 叫我買六合彩
(因為同佢好熟, 開玩笑), 應該係發行商複制錯, 可以拿回去換,
你那隻並不是唯一一隻錯版, 所以唔值錢.

2008-10-30 18:11:39 補充:
並不是錯體歌名, 而是封面是魔杰座, 裏面是其他歌
2008-10-31 3:54 pm
First we have to check song titles assigned from record company:

Insert the audio CD. If WMplayer comes up, close it. Click My computer. Right click the name of the CD then click Explore. Windows will list song titles in pane. Now right click the first title then click properties. Click the Summary tab and check title under Description in middle. WMPlayer reads this title and displays it in the player window during playback. If the title is wrong, you'll have to rip all the songs into a folder on your hard disk then go into the property of each song as above and manually correct to match those on the CD cover. Now click save and repeat for the rest of the songs.

If title is wrong, I suggest you rip and correct one title on your hard disk for trial then launch WMPlayer to see what the title looks like. If OK, repeat for the whole CD.

Just rip, change and save them onto your hard disk will give you great pleasure playing them. Windows XP, WMPlayer 9 or above all allow Chinese input as well as English. Have fun!
參考: Learn from pain staking experience
2008-10-31 3:41 am
哈, 哈, 哈, 我隻都是正版, 隻cd魔杰座入面全部不同,
只有隻dvd才是魔杰座, 咁咪好, 可以買一隻有二隻聴,
我將cd copy去電腦, 然後才拿去換, 還掂都要回收,
無用的, 唔好浪費, 係未好好呢.

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