
2008-10-30 6:01 pm
Employee may be provided with mobile phone or notebook computer of which may stored lots of business related information.

應該用 of which 定 in which 呢?

回答 (3)

2008-10-30 10:17 pm
Another suggestion:

Employee may be provided with mobile phone or notebook computer in which lots of business related information can be stored.
2008-10-30 7:04 pm
首先要討論的是,你句子文法上有錯誤:因為你的闗係子句(relative clause)並沒有主詞。
一般在關係子句中的,in which, of which, with which, where等,我們稱之為關係副詞(relative adverb),因此你的句子就出了少許問題。
其實你大可用which,而不用in which, of which就可以了:全句
Employees may be provided with mobile phones or notebook computers, which may stored lots of business related information.

2008-10-30 6:28 pm
in which is better
參考: me

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