Choose your superpowers?

2008-10-30 2:40 am
Super-sonic flight.
Awesome strength.
Fire control.
Electricity control.
Incredible speed.
Destructive energy blasts.
Ice generation.
Healing factor.
Elastic body.

If you could choose 2 powers from this list, which ones would you choose and why?

回答 (23)

2008-10-30 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Teleportation - to save time on travel
Electricity control - most of this world is now controlled by electrical equipment, I would be able to control it through it's power source
2008-10-30 9:47 am
Teleporting to get around. And Healing Factor so I can heal the wounded! xD
2008-10-30 12:07 pm
Incredible speed

Supersonic flight.

With the speed and flight I can go any where in the world in just a short time. But you said I can only choose two.
2008-10-30 10:02 am
Electricity control because I could make good money as an electrician and Tele-porting so I could get to the next job quickly
2008-10-30 9:49 am
You're good! Most of those super powers I don't even know what it is.

I would like to have awesome strength, so I could have the ability to do whatever I want and people could respect me more.

I also would like to have a healing factor, for if I am immune to all diseases and sicknesses, and/or help cure those with problems.
2008-10-30 9:48 am
Ice generator & Teleporting
2008-10-30 9:48 am
Elastic Body- you can stretch anywhere like getting a kitteh out of a tree
Healing Factor- help people suffering
2008-10-30 9:47 am
Healing factor and one that's not on the list: Power to create and manipulate ice.

I would love to heal a person with more than just my words and ice rules so I'd like to be able to freeze people just to show them I'm not all kind words and such.

2008-10-30 9:47 am
Telekinesis and healing.
The telekinesis is because I would love to indulge my lazy side more often, like right now while the remote's missing, and the healing because I have a cold right now and am miserable.
2008-10-30 9:46 am
Telepathy. I want to know what people are thinking. Of course, that would probably backfire on me and I'd end up finding out my girlfriend secretly hates me or something.

Teleporting. I was going to say incredible speed, but then I realized teleporting would be just as, if not more, effective. I can get where ever I want to go in a second.

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