Are there any go go dancers out there?

2008-10-29 10:48 pm
whats the job like? dressing? money? just give me all the info. thanks!

and whats your sign?

回答 (4)

2008-10-29 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hell yes there are, and there all filthy whores.. you want to know how to dress?? Dress like a filthy street walker and the money is about the same too. have a nice time going beyond the point of no return.. your father must be proud.. but the world needs more sluts so....proceed.....
2008-10-30 5:51 am
I am the first Male go go Dancer in California. The pay is horrible, I have to dress like a slutty man whore...but the tips are good.

I make my rounds at local jailhouses shaking my tail.

I'm a virgo.
2008-10-30 5:51 am
u want to become one?
2008-10-30 5:53 am
The job is like dancing nude in front of strangers.
There is no dressing, you are nude. No matter what garb you wear, its off in 30 secs or less.
Money is $1 at a time. Unless you do private "dances" in the back room. A stroke goes for $60, and a bj goes for $100.
Good luck in your new career!!!

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