contact process of SO4

2008-10-30 6:54 am
conversion of sulphuric trioxide to sulphuric acid

why we need to dissolves sulphur trioxide in con. H2SO4 ??

why we need to use con. sulphuric acid to make con. sulphuric acid ?

hope you guys know what i am talking about.....

H2SO4 + SO3 --> H2S2O7

H2S2O7 + H2O --> 2H2SO4

the product is also con. sulphuric acid??? then why we need to use sulphur trioxide??

thanks alot

回答 (1)

2008-11-08 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Direct reaction of sulphur trioxide with water is not used in absorption stage, due to large amount of heat involved. It will lead to the formation of sulphuric acid mist in absorption tower which would take a long time to settle out.
Also, sulphur trioxide is more soluble in liquid sulphuric acid than it is in water.
參考: 21st Century Chemistry

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