
2008-10-30 6:13 am
1)The following diagram shows the energy flow through some organisms found in a terrestrial

2)By what process is solar energy trapped by the plants?

3)In what form is enger stored in the plants?

4)How does energy flow from one organism to another?

5a)Draw a pyramid of biomass consisting of 4 organisms chosen from the above diagram.
5b)Explain in term of energy the shape of the pyramid you have drawn.

6)Eneggy also flows from all organisms into a group of organisms X not shown in the diagram
above. Name X and state its importance.

7)Suppose there is an increase in the caterpillar population which dose not affect the bee
population. Suggest ONE reason for this.

回答 (1)

2008-10-30 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) 下圖顯示某些在陸生生境中發現的生物之間的能量流。

2) 在哪個過程中,太陽能被植物吸收貯存?

3) 在植物中,能量以甚麼形式貯存?

4) 能量怎樣能夠由一個生物流至另一生物?

5a) 由上圖選取四個生物,繪畫出一個生物量錐體(生物量塔)。
5b) 依照能量,解釋你繪畫的錐體(塔)。

6) 能量亦從所有生物流入未顯示於上圖的生物 X。寫出 X 的名稱及其重要性。

7) 假設毛蟲種群數目增加,卻沒有影響蜜蜂種群的數目。就此舉出一個理由。

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