問一句英文!! 急!!!

2008-10-30 5:41 am
我們已經一起了 XX天
We have ........ 之後唔識打.....

句野意思係想打係 xanga度. 每日都數住我同佢一齊左幾多日咁樣~~


We have been togerther for xx days. ok唔ok呢?? thx~

回答 (10)

2008-11-03 5:57 am
We have been together for (days) days.
參考: me
2008-10-31 6:43 pm
It has been 20 days since we're together.
參考: self
2008-10-30 6:09 pm
1. It is the xx (eg 8th) day since we have been together.

2. It has been xx (eg 8) days since we have been together.

please note the difference of "eighth" and "eight"!

well, another way of saying that is:

3. It is the 8th day/It has been 8 days since we have started (our relationship).

4. It (our relationship) started 8 days ago. (short sentences have the effect of staying in reader's mind. so don't feel that long sentences are always a good choice!)

your sentence is grammatically correctly though(:

hope these sentences help you to say out your love <3
參考: my common sense
2008-10-30 8:28 am
Hi there,

We have been togerther for xx days.<---- The sentence is correct, but you
misspelled the word " together".

Corrected sentence:

We have been TOGETHER for XXXX days.

You may also say it this way too:

1) It has been xxxx days/months/years since we met .<---------


2) It has been xxxx days/months/years since we met on ( a date here) last

That's all.

See you!
2008-10-30 7:22 am
We have been togerther for xx days.

(OK. No problem.)
2008-10-30 7:10 am
This is our x-th day together.

2008-10-29 23:11:36 補充:
參考: me
2008-10-30 6:34 am
We already together xxday
2008-10-30 6:18 am
我們已經一起了 XX天 .... (每日都數住我同佢一齊左幾多日咁樣~~)

This is the Xth (e.g. 10th) day we've been together.
2008-10-30 6:05 am
We have together in five day.
2008-10-30 5:44 am
We have in the same place a span

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