英文call in a favor 點解?

2008-10-29 11:40 pm
call in a favor 點解??

回答 (2)

2008-10-30 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

To call in a favour(British spelling) or to call in a favor( American spelling):

Meanging: To ask someone to return a favour/favor.


I will go to Japan for a couple of days next week. I am going to call in a favour/favor and ask
Helen to work for my boss for a few days. ( I helped Helen before and now I
am asking her to help me back.)

That's it.


2008-10-30 02:31:16 補充:
Meaning: To ask someone to return a favour/favor.***********
2008-10-30 12:31 am

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