
2008-10-29 9:40 am

Day 1 - 新宿 --> 秋葉原 -->上野 --> 淺草 --> 新宿
主要為行街shopping 的行程,Dinner @ 六歌仙

Day 2 - 築地 --> 東京迪士尼樂園

Day 3 - 自由之丘 --> 代官山 --> 六本木 --> 涉谷 --> 原宿

Day 4 - 吉祥寺 (唔去三鷹) --> 睇楓葉 (但唔知邊度有得睇) --> Outlet (有冇邊一個比較好?) 或者可唔可以全日去富士山河口湖

Day 5 - 東京迪士尼海洋

Day 6 - 湯巡萬華鄉浸溫泉 --> 台場 --> 汐留

Day 7 - 新宿 --> 機場


回答 (1)

2008-11-07 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your schedule looks fine except for a few minor points.

Day 3 -由涉谷開始,逛完可由明治通 (just walk for 2 blocks and then turn to a smaller street called Cat Street) 徒步到原宿. Most of the Japanese do not know how to go to this Cat Street , but it is very westernized and romantic, especially at nights, with all the lightings from the small shops and coffee shops. Have a touch of European feeling. (If you look at the map, you can find this crooking street next to 明治通, and leads to 原宿)
Day 4 - 吉祥寺 :
松板牛專门店 - 160yen/件 平日每人限買20 件,假期減半,要取籌,址:吉祥寺本町1-1-18 。
另有3大商店街、SHOP 99.內很多食物99yen.址:吉祥寺南町1-9-2無印良品旁B 1F .好多女仔野買款式多價錢又平。
神戶牛柳: Steak House Satou 佐藤扒房是一家吃鐵板燒牛肉的專門店。位於JR 中央線 吉祥寺駅,徙步5分鐘。(在購物市集內,很易找到)。
睇楓葉 – 3 stations after 吉祥寺 is already country side, 有楓葉睇!

Outlet :

1. 橫濱Bayside Marina Outlet
交通:JR橫濱站 - (京濱東北根岸線) - 新杉田站 - (金澤mono-train) - 鳥濱站 - 步行5分鐘到達. (But just going to 橫濱 for the outlet is not worthy. But橫濱 does not have too much attraction.

1. 台場Palette Town、. shopping 更多平款衣服/袋/鞋,有些店鋪門口放置些任揀單衣服全部平至千幾円件,質料不錯,簡單布袋亦都是千幾円件,選擇亦十分多.

Do not expect too much in Japan outlet because they do not give much discount like US or Canada . The big sale are in January and July.

或者可唔可以全日去富士山河口湖 – Do not suggest because you will be very rush. If you go to 河口湖 just to see the lake you will be disappointed.
Suggest to add下北澤 on Day 4 – shops on streets, 都好多嘢買, another kind of feeling similar yet exactly like Cat Street. Many interesting items to see and buy.
新宿 :
伊勢丹 & 0101(收20:00)
Also in 新宿 :
24小時既"企鵝仔" small department store
Tokyu Hands新宿JR南口對面TAKASHIMAYA(高島屋)商場內1-5層
參考: Myself

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