direct speech --> indirect speech

2008-10-29 8:37 am
this -> that

John said, "this is a good movie."
John said that that was a good movie. --> I wonder 2 that on the sentense. Is it correct??

a) John said that that was a good movie. b) John said that was a good movie. Which one is correct when I do the exam paper?

回答 (2)

2008-10-29 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

John said, "this is a good movie."<------- direct
John said that that was a good movie.<------ indirect

Your sentence is absolutely right.
Actually the first " that" in the sentence is optional.

In British English, we often use the word " that" with some verbs
like " think" , " suggest" and " say".

1) I think THAT you will have to..............................

2) I suggest THAT you should .......................
3) He said THAT he was a .............................

The word" that" is optional as well.

( It is just that we use " that" here to link up a following clause usually.)

Hope I've cleared your doubts.
Bye for now.
2008-10-29 8:54 am
Yes, it is correct.

But you can ignore the "that" so that it will not be so confusing.


John said THAT that was a good movie.

the capitalised "that" can be cancelled.
參考: me

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