
2008-10-29 8:17 am

What he wants is to win in the competition.

特別是wants 後面是is,應無兩verbs在一句的問題,是嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-11-04 10:29 pm
What he wants is to win in the competition.
無錯, 兩個verb是不能連用的, 故需改為:
What he wanted is to win in the competition. (Wanted 在此是adverb (副詞) 而不是verb).
另外, in 在這句裡是不需用的, 因為the這冠詞己指定那一個competition了. 故此整句應是:
What he wanted is to win the competition.
參考: Own
2008-10-29 8:35 am
What he wants is to win in the competition.

"What he wants" 在這裡是一個 "noun clause",意思是「他所想要的」,可以是實物(如獎品)或抽象的東西(如榮譽),在這裡他想要的是「贏這場比賽」,而用 "What he wants" 是要強調他的必勝之心。
參考: 自己

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