Which is the correct way to configure email accounts for a website? ?

2008-10-28 7:41 pm
I am setting up a new website for a Law Firm, and we have 3 possibilities to configure the emails accounts:

1) (name).(surname)@(domain name) Its important to notice the dot

2) (surname)@(domain name)

3) (first letter of name and full surname)@(domain name)

Which one is the correct way and easiest for you?


I will accept other suggestions.

回答 (3)

2008-10-28 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3) (first letter of name and full surname)@(domain name)

This way you don't have to DOT, and you can have 2 or more Smiths working there.
2008-10-28 9:30 pm
3) (first letter of name and full surname)@(domain name)

This way, the email address looks professional

(name).(surname)@(domain name) will make the email address too long, especially if the person has a long first and last name.

(surname)@(domain name) would only work if everyone at your firm has a unique lastname, including all future employees
2008-10-28 8:07 pm
1) (name).(surname)@(domain name)

I usually use this one...it works for me.

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