Will Blackwater security work for the Chinese government?

2008-10-28 8:38 am
Some chinese workers were killed in dafur
Say if China employs Blackwater to protect its citizens, will Blackwater work for them??

回答 (4)

2008-10-28 1:05 pm
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Yeah, Blackwater is an international company out there to make money. They recently purchased a boat and are offering there services off the coast of Somalia.
2008-10-28 2:35 pm
Blackwater may be considered by some to be a mercenary organization; however, the company's president recently addressed this question.

He stated that the US Government has oversight of his contracts, and it is possible for him to work for foreign governments and agencies, but only if approved by the US.

He further stated that his company is very much focused on supporting US interests, and all of his employees swear an oath of allegiance to defend the US Constitution (very similar to the oath sworn by Commissioned Military Officers)
2008-10-28 9:06 am
Very doubtfull, its a us company full of US mercenaries and the chinese probably are advanced enough to provide their own security.
2008-10-28 8:43 am
No, but probably suit better work for Bin laden.

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