How to download a free Bible into my Samsung F488?

2008-10-29 7:40 am
I got a brand new F488 mobile phone. And the Java file of Bible which I used to read from Sony Ericsson mobile phone could not be read or opened in my Samsung F488 mobile phone . Is there any format/way I can download and read my bible from F488. Thanks a lot for your great help in advance!

回答 (2)

2008-11-01 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你的電話能支援 html 格式的話,這兒有一些可供你使用的bible
我是在Windows Mobile 的電話中,可以看到Bible,你可以選擇是中文或其他語言,費用是全免的。 而且沒有版權問題。
參考: 本人正在快樂使用中
2008-10-29 11:26 pm
I never see any Bible program for PDA.

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