Caymen Island Compnay(HK Audit or not?)

2008-10-28 8:51 pm
Please help to advise whether these kind or company need:-
1)Audit in Hong Kong in compliance the company ordinance
2)Tax filing to Hong Kong IRD (聽人講好似唔駛)
Here is the company information:
a)Business Nature: Investment in both HK & Overseas Stock & Unit Trust
b)Incorporation in Cayman Island
c)No bank account in HK, only 1 HSBC account in Singapore
d) 無在hk取BR(好似無咋, 有無有咩分別)

3)如要做book-keep應該好易做, hold住約10-20隻share, only買賣stock同收dividend, 有無咩要留意呢?
4)如果比人做埋book-keeping, 最合理幾錢左右呢?

5)如要audit大約幾錢audit fee呢? 投資額約US800,000-US一百萬.

回答 (2)

2008-10-31 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 如果有在hk做生意, 其實是要的! 你只是invest part of hk share其實不算是
2) 如果有在hk做生意, 一樣要的.
3) 如做book-keep, 一樣同hk公司咁做既規格, 國際會計法則
4) 15k-25k不等
2008-10-28 9:31 pm
1 and 2, no need. The company is not carrying out any trading activities except as an investment centre in Hong Kong. The company did not registered itself as a foreign company having operation in Hong Kong and getting a Certificate of A Foreign Company operated in Hong Kong issued by the Companies Registry and hence no need to go to Inland Revenue Department for getting a Business Registration Certificate. Moreover, the directors of the company are not usually come to Hong Kong for making decision in investment and the investment, mostly in overseas, may also be regarded as a long-term investment for dividend and thus likely will not be charitable to profits tax in Hong Kong.
3, 4 and 5 is then not applicable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 12:42:51
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