自己的內在問題 粗心大意

2008-10-28 5:29 pm
不知為何自小已經常跌東西 不是CHOPSTICK 就是衣服 而且往往在重要的人面前出現這些鏡頭 有什麼辦法可以徹底根治
不要一些只純鼓勵的說話 要實際可行的方法

回答 (3)

2008-11-10 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
your mindfulness is a kind of insensitivity

i.e. you are not senstive enough....

And you ask:' how can I be more sensitive to surroundings?"

Firstly, just want to ask, not how to be more sensitive? IT just creates enough kind of thought, which is the root of your insensitive.

I will go into it very deep, since I think one problem can't be resolved on its own level.

And I would like to say that if one wants to change, no only just changing one bad habit or one disadvantage, but to explore deeply in you and I, otherwise just one change of one habit may develop another habit, if you don't know the root, the very root of the problem.

Challening? ^^

why are you not sensitive? Why are you not aware?

Don't just say yeah I know or "Oh! I don't know, please tell me that, I will follow." Act as a follower is already a sense of insensitivity, right?

Why do you have so many other thoughts, and so many things in your mind, so your mind can't be open to the surroudings? Is that because you worry too much on the future? or you like daydreaming? Or you put too much pressure on some behaviour? " I must not drop this clothes in front of her/him!"

Is that this kind of mindfulless make you insensitive to what you hold?

have you listened to a bird? have you looked at a flower with all your mind and heart and energy? But many said:"It's just so normal, nothing new!"

Try to discover new things in your normal life, without naming it, see what happens on you
參考: J.Krishnamurti: First and Last Freedom
2008-11-07 4:38 am

參考: 純粹自己見解
2008-10-28 6:02 pm

你好, 這是個人的鍛鍊, 你經常跌東西, 就知道你個人集中力、專注力極薄弱, 別人是幫不了你的, 靠自己吧!!! -- 凡事注意一點, 集中心意及念量, 定會有改善。

我以前很善忘的, 但要迫自己去改正劣點, 後生遙遙, 他人幫不了, 但凡有事, 我便會同筆或輸入電話向自己多加提點, 還要用心記妥, 才作標準啊..... 謝謝。

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