
2008-10-28 1:25 am



回答 (4)

2008-10-29 10:30 am
1 a pair of dangling feet in the air

2. go hang yourself

Somebody might get hit by the airborne foot. It should be sent by air parcel post, shouldn't it?

2008-10-30 03:00:03 補充:
2. go hang to kill oneself
or, go hang and self-destruct (in 3 minutes like Mission Impossible)

題目係"腳"feet呀, 點解大家都用"腿"leg既?
重有, 點解002whatiswhat24 用 He 既? 題目又冇話係男人或女人, 動物都得格。例如隻馬騮都識得"上吊自殺"格。
參考: , M.I.
2008-10-28 11:53 pm
1. Pairs hang in the airborne foot

2. Hangs oneself the suicide
2008-10-28 10:28 am

1) There are a pair of legs hanging in the air.(simple present tense)

There were a pair of legs hanging in the air.( past tense)

2) He wants to commit suicide by hanging himself.(simple present tense)

He hanged himself to death.(simple past tense)

Bye for now.

2008-10-30 23:07:37 補充:
To vmaksan,
I just made two sentences with " he" for this person so that he or she would understand how to use these words in sentences.
The reason why I chose to use " leg" instead of " foot " is that " a pair of hanging feet would be too scary .LOL
2008-10-28 1:27 am
1. a pair of legs hanging in the air
2. hanged

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