What is the difference between WHEN and WHILE?? (20分!!!)

2008-10-28 1:11 am
What is the difference between WHEN and WHILE??
請話我知有咩唔同, 佢地嘅作用, 同examples.

回答 (2)

2008-10-28 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
when is when you are actually doing something
E.g. When I ate my dinner, John is coming annoy me.

While is when you doing something, you want to do an other
E.g. I was doing my homework while I am listening music.
參考: My own knowledge
2008-10-28 1:42 am
when, while, as 之間有何差別? 一、as 常用於接「較不重要的訊息」,且其所接的子句,也較常放在「句首」的位置。但何謂「較不重要的訊息」,並未有公認的標準,例:
4. As I was writing my homework in the classroom, George was eating his breakfast.
 (當我在教室裡寫功課的時候,George 正在吃他的早餐。)
二、前後所連接兩個子句中的動作,都屬於「持續性的動作或狀態」者,連接詞用 as 或 while,這時所用的動詞時態,「單純式」與「進行式」均可,例:
5. While Mom made dinner in the kitchen, I watched the cartoon, Atashin'chi, in the living room.
 也可以寫成 → While I watched the cartoon, Atashin'chi, in the living room, Mom made dinner in the kitchen.
三、若前後兩子句中的兩個動作是「交叉影響」、「互相影響」時,則連接詞用 as,例:
6. As Tom got older, he worked harder.(Tom 年紀愈大,工作愈賣力。)
 → 「年紀」與「工作賣力」,呈現正相關,相互影響著。
四、當談到與個人年紀有關的時間時,連接詞用 when,例:
7. When I was very young, I didn't like school lessons at all.(當我年紀很小的時候,我對學校功課一點興趣也沒有。)
8. Both of Helen's parents died when she was only ten years old.(當 Helen 只有十歲的時候,她的父母就雙亡了。)
五、若前後兩子句中的兩個動作是「短動作」時(有時在連接詞前會有 just),則連接詞用 as 或 when,例:
9. As I opened the door of my house, I heard a strange sound.(當我打開家門時,我聽到一個很奇怪的聲音。)
10. You left me just when I needed you most.(就當我最需要你時,你卻離開了我。)

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