裝左南極星後都睇唔到中文 (20分)

2008-10-27 10:39 pm
我部電腦係英文版Windows,之前裝過南極星都睇到中文,跟住我 delete左南極星,然後再裝返,之後就睇唔到中文 Orz

回答 (2)

2008-11-01 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實不用安裝南極星也可以看到中文, 你到Control panel -> Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options --> Regional and Language Options -- Languages --> Install files for East Asian languages. 安裝時候放入XP光碟. 這樣就可以了, 我也是用英文windows.


2008-10-27 11:12 pm
You should confirm the following conditions before install any software:
1. did you uninstall it in a proper way?
2. did you check the compatibility of the version of NJStar and the version of Eng Windows.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:12:00
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