
2008-10-27 8:53 pm

1. 若以1-10分(1分為最低,10分為最高),你的讀經生活滿意嗎?
2. 試分享,你滿意或不滿意的原因?
3. 你是否已培養讀經的習慣?試分享你的經驗。
4. 若沒有,你遇到甚麼困難?
5. 這些困難可以解決嗎?
6. 若今天擬定一個讀經計劃,你會如何計劃呢?
7. 請分享你的計劃,讓組員為你禱告。

回答 (4)

2008-10-28 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 若以1-10分(1分為最低,10分為最高),你的讀經生活滿意嗎? In the range of 1 – 10 marks (1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest), do you find satisfaction in your life of reading the Bible?
2. 試分享,你滿意或不滿意的原因?Please share your reasons for the satisfaction or dissatisfaction?
3. 你是否已培養讀經的習慣?試分享你的經驗。Have you cultivated your habit of reading the Bible? Please share your experience.
4. 若沒有,你遇到甚麼困難? If you haven’t, what problems have you encountered?
5. 這些困難可以解決嗎? Are these problems surmountable?
6. 若今天擬定一個讀經計劃,你會如何計劃呢? If you are to make a plan today for studying the Bible, how would you work it out?
7. 請分享你的計劃,讓組員為你禱告。 Please share your plan (with your group members) and let other group members to pray for you.
2008-10-27 11:11 pm
1. Ranging from 1-10 (1 is the min. while 10 is the max.), please selection the score best represented your satisfication in reading bibles.

2. Please explain the score selected in the above question.

3. Have you developed the habit of reading bibles? Explain with daily lives experiences.

4. If not, what difficulties have you encountered?

5. Do you think the problems can be solved?

6. If you have to design a bible reading schedule, how will you plan it?

7. Please share your schedule among your groupmates in order to let them pray for you.

2008-10-27 15:12:20 補充:
Question 1
*please select the score best represented your satisfication in reading bibles
參考: Myself
2008-10-27 10:59 pm

1.Scoring your life of reading Bible by 1-10(1-the less satisfy, 10-the most satisfy)

2.Try to share why you are satisfy or not.

3. Did you form a habit of reading Bible? Try to share your experience

4. If not, have you met some obstacles?

5. Are those problems solvable?

6. If you have to plan how to Read the Bible today, how do you plan it?

7. Please share your plan, and let your groupmate pray for you.
參考: 自己
2008-10-27 8:55 pm
1. If (1 divides into by 1-10 points lowly, 10 divide into high), you read the Confucian classics life satisfaction?
2. Tries to share, you satisfy or not the satisfactory reason?
3. Whether you have raised the custom which reads the Confucian classics? Tries to share your experience.
4. If does not have, what difficulty you do encounter?
5. These difficulties may solve?
6. If today draws up one to read the Confucian classics the plan, how you will plan?
7. Please share your plan, lets group pray for you.

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