What would you do if you found a stray dog OR cat 'hit by a car'....?

2008-10-27 7:52 am
What would you do if you found a stray dog 'hit by a car'....

(late at night on the weekend when ALL vets are closed)

and he was severely wounded and unresponsive but still alive....
you were COMPLETELY broke and no vet in town would see the animal without money 'up front' (emergency fee at that)

But you do not want to leave him laying there for dead in the middle of the street????
Just wondering what others would do.

回答 (16)

2008-10-27 8:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well I'd certainly pick it up and bring it into the house to start with! On the first night I would be doing my best to keep him fed and warm. The next morning, seeing as I am broke, have no money of my own and there is not a vet in sight, I would ring a friend with money to come over and help.

Being broke would mean I would sadly not be able to manage the dog. So I would ask my responsible friend to take him in. If not, then in someway, I would have to hand him over to a rescue organisation so they could look after him.

Lets face it, me keeping him in with no money would have been just about the same as leaving him to die. I wouldn't have the money for food, vets...anything!
2008-10-27 8:19 am
Haha, I did that with my current kitten. (:

I found my current cat, which I have fondly named Ghost (he looks like one) in the street -- half starved, obviously tortured/chased/ripped to pieces, and half dead laying on the road.

Most people must of thought he was roadkill and passed by him.

What I did? I immediately took him in, called in all of the emergency hospitals and told them my situation... I explained to them that he was not mine, he was a stray, and he looked like he was in need of immediate care. Apparently, there was an organization called PAWS -- non profit -- that helps out stray cats in need.

If you took him in and tried to help him, call a hospital or research a non-profit organization. I did end up spending money on the little guy, but not as much as it could of been. The organization was mightily pleased that I saved him, and even more pleased that I was going to keep him (he was going to a good and loving home). I think it was worth it -- I mean despite the cost ($50 dollars -- he had tons of infections and they took care of a lot of the scratches) but he is so thankful for his new life -- so it was worth it. I love him and I know he loves me back. I saved his life. (:
2008-10-27 8:15 am
Wow! That's quite a dilemma. If the animal was not aggresive I would bundle him up and either take him home and call all the vets in the morn. & try to get one to volunteer their services. It's likely that you could even get in touch with one after hours, wouldn't hurt to try. I would be very insistant with whomever I spoke to for immediate care at no charge to you. You could also call the humane society. Does this dog by any chance have tags? Maybe he is chipped even. That would be the best answer, reply to info on his tags. Another option is to just call your local police department and hope they can contact animal control or something and don't just shot him. Definitely move the dog of the road though so it doesn't get hit again. The last option I can suggest, is to drop the dog of at the door of your local vet with a note and hope he survives the night and gets treatment.

I got a lot of ideas but it is a hard decision to make. Especially if you are an animal fanatic like I am. I've brought home racoons on more than one occassion. Not to mentio various cats and dogs. Racoons very dangerous animal to deal with on any level!

Whatever you do, just be very cautious as to not get injured yourself!!!! Try and make the dog as comfy and warm as possible and offer some water. If there is profuse bleeding us a compression bandage by taking some gauze and apply pressure directly on the wound. Then take a roll of guaze or ace bandage and wrap evenly so as not to cut off the circulation. If you have to, cut strips of cloth to wrap the wound with. This will work too. Try not to use cotton because it tends to stick to the wound and has to be picked out.

I had a great uncle in Eugene, Oregon that would always take in injured or abandoned animals of any kind. He would nurse them back to health and spay or neuter each and every cat and dog, then he would find them a good home or turn them over to the humane society. Deer and other wild creatures he would return to the wild once they were well enough. He also did spays and neuters free of charge for those who couldn't afford it. I sometimes wish I would have went to veterinarian school so I could carry on his legacy. I had two great uncles that were vets, but no one was as great as this one in Oregon!!
參考: Retired vet tech. Professional breeder and trainer.
2008-10-27 8:12 am
i would take him home put some blankets down and place him in a warm room get some food and water for him. if youhave othere dogs/cats make sure they don't come into this room.
If he is bleeding make sure you attend to the wound then stay with him untill a vets have opened
hope i helped and good luck!
2008-10-27 8:00 am
I have been in that position..
I had my 9 month old son in my car coming home from a family get together and found a small dog on the side of the road. Wrapped it in my sons baby blanket and laid it in my lap and went to my closed vet..rang their bell and hand the dog and I said let me get my son and I will be right there!. I turned off my car lights and drove away...

2008-10-27 3:05 pm
I'll tell you what..

in Canada and USA all vets are bound by law that they HAVE TO ADMIT- but CANNOT TREAT an animal WITHOUT Owners permission..

so most have a 24 hour "ON CALL" status...they would scan the pet for a microchip or check for a tattoo or other link to an owner.. if found they would contact the owner and get permission to treat the animal

if no owner is found - they have to keep the animal for 72 hours (in most places.. some its less) before they can do ANYTHING)
The local SPCA at that point usually is considered the "owner" and the pet is considerd a "Stray".. between the vet and the SPCA if after 72 hours no owner is found.. the pet is usually euthanized of fixed up and placed for adoption... the SPCA covers the cost- often at a reduced rate.

THis link is a REALLY good guide for spreading information on what a person should do if they hit an animal.. I guess it also touches on if you find one that was hit...


thanks for asking!
2008-10-27 8:05 am
take him to the vet explain the situation and see if they could scan for a microchip and find the owners you wouldnt want to try anything at home because most animals have many internal injuries not visible to us when they are hit by a car and need a vet immediately
2008-10-27 8:01 am
Try help it out. If the vets are closed ask anyone in your town if they know anything about dogs or people with experiences. Then in the morning, take it to the vet for a check-up.Just to be sure. Hope the dog gets better and try put up found signs to see if anyone owns the dog. Or even phone the vets in case nobody knows about dogs. They are always ment to have emergency numbers.

Hope it helps~!
2016-09-28 12:14 pm
In some civilized international places like Australia it is the regulation that in case you hit a canines on the line you may notify the vendors regrettably not so for cats yet we are residing in desire which will exchange. Strays are %. up by ability of the rangers of the city or city as quickly as there advised there's a difficulty. So the respond is it is city difficulty and spot the community animal administration this is loose. opportunities are high if the canines might nicely be healed or merely regarded at and could be no funds parting your palms your action however small have replaced the international for a extra effective place.
2008-10-27 5:59 pm
I am so glad I have never been in this situation. However, my dog did get hit by a car. We were gone on a family reunion, and the neighbor girl came over and pulled him out of the backyard.

After he got hit, a neighbor got out of her car and held him and pet him in his last moments. I am so grateful that she did that for him. It was unselfish.

I would just stress to everybody that most dogs have a home where they are loved. Just think how you would feel if it was your pet.

(I am such a boob, I am bawling!)
參考: Owner and trainer of many pedigree dogs: Miniature Schnauzer Shih Tzu Australian Shepherd

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