english cocker spaniel help ?

2008-10-27 2:37 am
my parents finally agreed to a dog and they like an english cocker spaniel do you think it's a good dog?
I have few questions
-how much exercise a day to they need a day (how may hours minutes)
-is it ok if he is gonna be left alone for 6:30 hours form 9to3:30
but my mom works very close and she would be coming at 10:00 for15 minutes at 12:00 for 45 minutes and at 2:00 for 5 minutes
if I need more information please give it to me

回答 (3)

2008-10-27 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is there a particular reason you picked this breed? If it's just for its cuteness then it was not a good idea. Cocker spaniels are very high energy hunting dog and the English cocker even more then the American cocker. This dog needs to be exercised and not only by walks, it will need to run in fields, jogging or biking. Also, this dog's mind will need to be challenged cause its instinct is to be tracking little birds. You will have to satisfy his need for tracking by taking him out in fields and let him track or have him track doing different tracking games with him. As for the schedule it is fine as long as your dog is properly exercised. He will simply sleep all day.
參考: Cocker owner.
2008-10-27 9:43 am
english cocker spaniels are born hunting dogs and need a huge amount of exercise. i would recommend him to be walked 3 times a day for at least 45 mins. keeping this breed of dog locked up for 6 and a half hours is not a good idea. he/she'll just tear your house down. he/she might also develop bad habits if the energy is not used up (such as chewing, destruction of the house, aggression, etc) also, some cockers do tend to be a bit "cuckoo". if this is your first dog, and if there are children in the house, i wouldn't recommend a cocker spaniel.
2008-10-27 9:42 am
They have great temperments if younger childeren aren't around.

And it would not be good to keep a new puppy/dog cooped inside for 6 1/2 hours; it'd be hard for it.

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