is my experian credit score accurate?

2008-10-26 10:31 pm experian credit is 696 with $935 credit card debt tottal.i recently paid off my macy's credit card so my to credit card debt on experian went from $935 to $724.i was expecting my credit score to go up since i brought my debt from $935-$724 but i did not see any change in my credit score.can somebody tell me why or is this usual?.i don't understand.

回答 (5)

2008-10-26 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Experian is one of the reputable credit reporting companies. Your credit score will not go up just because you paid off your debt particularly if you were delinquent on the account to begin with.
In order to increase credit score, you have to make payment on your debt without delay on a consistent basis. If you don't have the money to pay the whole thing off, pay the minimum before the due date.
One important advice: Don't charge and buy things you cannot afford. Determine when shopping, "do you NEED it, or you just WANT it?" For your info, the standard credit score is 750, and you are below the standard.
Be vigilant on your shopping habit and you will be rewarded.
2016-08-30 5:45 am
What a great question
2016-08-02 11:42 am
That's an interesting question
2008-10-26 11:55 pm
Fair Isaac, the company that invented and owns the FICO score formulas, provides formulas to each of the 3 major credit bureaus in the US. Experian is one of those bureaus. The bureaus then apply the formula to the data they have on file for each person. The numbers from each bureau will vary, because they don't all have the same information. They are all 3 still your correct FICO score. They are actually the DEFINITION of your FICO score.
2008-10-26 11:10 pm
Totally normal. $935 - $724 isn't a big change in the grand scheme of things. If you had gone from $9,350 - $724 then you could expect to see a change.

With such low debt it sounds like you must be pretty young. 696 is a good score for a young person.

Take care of your credit now and let your credit take care of you later.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 11:24:50
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