how to make soya beans milk drinks ,?

2008-10-26 11:35 am

回答 (5)

2008-10-26 11:46 am
✔ 最佳答案


* 250 g soybeans, soaked
* 2 liters water
* 130 g sugar (rocky sugar is preferable)



Soak the soya beans in water overnight.

Make sure that the water can always totally cover the beans.

Whirl the beans with water in a blender little by little until a smooth mixture is obtained.

Filter the mixture with muslin-made bag (or other fine cloth).

Pour the mixture into a pot.

Cook the mixture and add the sugar.

Remove the foam floating on the surface whenever necessary.

Take the pot away from heat when it has just boiled.

You can enjoy the soya milk whether immediately or freeze it.

2016-12-17 4:44 pm
definite and no. Soy does advance your horemone stages definite. That has been recently found out. purchase soy is massive, this is in each little thing. this is not basically soy milk, it has develop right into a staple in maximum issues interior the food market. because of the fact this is affordable incredibly. yet this archives is everywhere in the internet. definite soy includes some form of certainly occuring horemone it fairly is located interior the human physique. yet everybody knowledgeable knows in case you shift the horemones interior the human physique it won't make you gay. it will make you the different intercourse. yet you will not be able to flee it. Even dairy milk has huge quantities of horemones as properly. not organic, those are all guy made and injected into cows to up the milk production. So definite lots of obese childrens with guy-breasts are a-comin interior the destiny. possibly sooner or later guy-breasts would be well-liked, who knows.
2008-10-30 7:14 am
Buy a packet of soya milk powder at any supermarket.
Mixed with hot water or warm water , sugar, or honey, shaked it .
That is.
2008-10-26 11:45 am
The link I have listed has good recipes. But I just put the Milk in a blender with a Banana. (Very nutritious)
2008-10-26 11:44 am
the easiest would be to have a soy milk/drink machine. very cheap from any department store.

otherwise, for a wider use of any machine that you will need to buy, you can get a philips blender with filter. i've been using it for a long time. you can also do other drinks, grind stuff, process smoothies etc.

however, there is a newer model in the market, same machine but w/ a separate grinder and juicer, costing almost same price.

btw, i am from hong kong. it costs around 550hkd.

p.s. it's quite complicated to do it without a machine. in any case, you'll need to soak beans for a couple of hours, 1 cup to 1 litre of water or less (depending on how milky you want later), grind them together, filter it out, boil it up with sugar, add milk at the end. you can always adjust milk/water/sugar %. i put a little fresh ginger during grinding. Yum!

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