
2008-10-27 7:22 am
為了能夠重拾customers 對本公司產品的信心, 我們打算從內部著手。首先, 我們會安排R&D 部門去嚴格監管CUP NOODLES的生產過程以及檢查材料的來源。除此之外, 我們亦會進行一些市場調查,目的是評估這次CUP NOODLES在日本出事後, 有沒有影響本港Customers 對於cup noodles的購買力以及responsiveness. 所以, 我們由現在開始, 會實施兩項新的內部措施。

第一, 進行抽樣檢查。我們打算在產品製作時, 做一個抽樣式的檢查。例如: 每一百件產品就抽十個作檢查。另外, 每當推出新產品時, 我們會更加嚴格去跟進每個生產程序。

第二, 成立專責小組。這是一項新的決策。本公司會著重在這方面的投資, 打算成立專責小組。 專責小組的作用是定時檢查食品的生產過程。根據cup noodles 現時的production process, 一共有18個程序。當成立了專責小組, 我們會從這18個工序內著手, 特別focus on 食品的原料入口(1), 包裝檢查(15)等程序。

以上的內部措施也是為了enhance 及挽回customers 對cup noodles 的信心, 希望能夠盡快平息這次事件和提升未來cup noodles 的營業額。

回答 (2)

2008-10-27 8:33 am
In order to regain the confidence to our products from customers, we plan to start it internally. First of all, we will have our R&D department to strictly monitor the production process of CUP NOODLES and inspect the source of materials. Besides, we will also conduct market research to assess if the CUP NOODLES case in Japan will affect the purchase power and responsiveness of Hong Kong customers to cup noodles. Therefore, we will implement two new internal policies from now.

Firstly, conduct sample inspection. We plan to do a sampling check during the production process. For example, ten out of a hundred units will be checked. On the other hand, whenever a new product is launched, we will tighten further the follow up on every production process.
Secondly, form a task force. It is a new decision. Our Company will focus on the investment in this area, and plan to form a task force. The task force will inspect the production process of food regularly. According to the exisitng prodcution process of cup noodles, there are 18 processes in total. After the task force is formed, we will start from these 18 processes and focus specially on material import (1) and package inspection (15) processes.

The above internal procedures is to enhance and save the confidence of customers to cup noodles. We hope the event will be resolved soon the turnover of cup noodles will be increased.
2008-10-27 8:31 am
In order to build up the confidence of the customers in our products, we intend to set up internal changes. We will assign the R & D Department to closely monitor the production of the cup noodles and to keep a check on the source of the ingredients. Moreover, we will conduct market surveys to evaluate whether the incidence of the cup noodles in Japan has influences on the purchase and responsiveness of the customers. Therefore, we will bring two new internal measures into practice from now on.

Firstly, sampling inspection will be carried out in the production process. For example, ten samples will be inspected for every hundred of products. The production process will be more strictly followed up when new products are sold.

Secondly, a special team will be set up in order to check the production process regularly. This is a new policy, since our company is concerned about the investment in this area. There are 18 procedures in the production process of the cup noodles. After this special team is set up, these procedures will be inspected in details especially focusing on the import of raw materials of food (1) and packing inspection (15).

The above internal measures are laid down in order to enhance and save the confidence of the customers in the cup noodles. We hope that this incidence will soon be settled, and the business volume of the cup noodles will be raised in the future.
參考: 自己

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