✔ 最佳答案
already 係 adverb, 所以用作為句中動詞提供更多資料
直接用中文諗, already = 已經
任何時候你想話已經, 就可以用already
一般情況下, 當對方唔清楚個動作完成未, 而實際上個動作已經完成, 你可以用already。邏輯上, 唔會用already o係未完成既動作(唔會:I havn't already got my result)
1.The students have recited the answer.
2.The students have recited the answer already.
3.The students had recited the answer already before they were tested yesterday.
如果你只係想話人知d學生已經背左答案, 但唔係想強調已經, 就用句1.
如果你想強調個動作已經完成, 用句2
想用had recited, 你要加另一個過去動詞。句3意思係:d學生o係尋日考試前, 已經背左答案。
呀媽問你食左午餐未, 你就會話I have already eaten lunch
當你去英國, 同英國人傾偈, 你會問: Have you ever been to hong kong?
人地會答, Yeah! I have been there.
但當你同你個friend諗緊去邊玩, 你問佢去過日本未, 而佢去過, 唔想再去, 就會答, Yes, I have already been to Japan. Lets think of other places.
already 係可以放o係中間, 一般會咁放
is/am/are already verb+ing
has/have/had already past perfect
用返你果句, The students have already recited the answer.
2008-10-31 04:03:33 補充:
Before 係可以跟 pp, 不過要小心d寫句句子
The student had revised before their test yesterday.
(問左個外國friend, 呢句應該冇問題)