
2008-10-27 3:35 am
(星島)10月26日 星期日 05:30

(星島日報 報道)食物安全中心 首次在雞蛋驗出三聚氰胺。本港超市百佳 出品的「佳之選」特大裝新鮮啡蛋,被驗出三聚氰胺超標近一倍,啡蛋產自大連,三歲兒童每天吃逾十二隻便超標。食物及衞生局局長周一嶽 表示,供應商已暫停運送雞蛋來港,事件或涉及飼料問題,稍後會加強檢驗。食安中心又證實,菲律賓 出產的一款藍莓味夾心餅三聚氰胺超標近三成。





  中大生化系副教授陳竟明說,飼料或被加入三聚氰胺,三聚氰胺雖不會積聚在動物體內,但牠們長期食用,生出來的蛋便可能帶有該化學品。過往食安中心抽驗的食品,三聚氰胺含量由百萬分之一至十不等,是次雞蛋的含量反映它普遍存在環境中,除了飼料,還包括農地和殺蟲劑。香港蛋業商會理事長楊金炎說,本港蛋商有抽驗進口雞蛋的三聚氰安含量,但不普遍。他表示,本港的雞蛋有來自遼寧,但甚少從該大連公司所在地入口。立法會 食物安全及環境衞生事務委員會副主席黃容根 關注「毒蛋」或被市民吃進肚裏,促請政府多檢驗不同種類的食物,以免市民在不知情下吃了問題食品。


  另一款三聚氰胺超標的食品是藍莓味夾心餅Croley Foods Sunflower Crackers,重二百七十克,食用期限是今年十二月五日,三聚氰胺含量是百萬分之三點二,兒童和成人的每天食用上限是三十七和四百三十七個獨立小包。食安中心表示,已發信警告有關零售商及入口商,不排除提出檢控。百佳表示,已把蛋下架,超市會對自己的品牌進行安全測試,會跟進事件。

  外國亦驗出多款內地食品含三聚氰胺,日本 東京 龍口食品公司在中國進口的杯裝粉絲「龍口春雨蔬菜雞蛋」中,驗出微量三聚氰胺,當局已全面回收。新加坡 農糧與獸醫局則發現十七種馬來西亞 生產的餅乾和三種中國產品含有三聚氰胺,包括大馬生產的康元(Khong Guan)、建元(Khian Guan)餅乾。

化妝課程 文憑 本地升學 海外升學


回答 (2)

2008-10-30 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
HONG KONG (AP) - Excessive levels of the industrial chemical melamine in Chinese eggs might be traced to feed given to chickens, the Hong Kong government said late Saturday.

The government said in a statement it found 4.7 parts per million of melamine in the eggs produced by a division of China's Dalian Hanwei Enterprise Group based in the northeastern port city Dalian. The legal limit of melamine in Hong Kong is 2.5 ppm.

Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health York Chow said the melamine may have come from feed given to the chickens that laid the eggs.

"The preliminary opinion experts have given us is that there is a problem with the feed," Chow told reporters.

The new results have prompted officials to expand food testing to meat imports from China, Chow told reporters Sunday.

In an earlier egg-related food safety scare, the banned cancer-causing industrial dye, Sudan Red, was used to color egg yolks.

China is currently caught in a food safety scandal over dairy products tainted with melamine. More than 3,600 children remain sick in China from contaminated milk, with three in serious condition, the Ministry of Health said last week. The deaths of four infants have been blamed on dairy products contaminated with melamine.

Authorities say middlemen apparently added melamine to milk they collected from farmers to sell to large dairy companies. The suppliers are accused of watering down the milk and then adding the nitrogen-rich chemical to make the milk seem higher in protein when tested. Protein tests often simply measure nitrogen levels.

Calls to Dalian Hanwei Enterprise Group Sunday went unanswered.

Chow said Hong Kong officials will step up checks of eggs imported from China.
參考: ME
2008-10-30 6:44 am
HONG KONG (AP) - Excessive levels of the industrial chemical melamine in Chinese eggs might be traced to feed given to chickens, the Hong Kong government said late Saturday.

The government said in a statement it found 4.7 parts per million of melamine in the eggs produced by a division of China's Dalian Hanwei Enterprise
Group based in the northeastern port city Dalian. The legal limit of melamine
in Hong Kong is 2.5 ppm.

Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health York Chow said the melamine
may have come from feed given to the chickens that laid the eggs.

"The preliminary opinion experts have given us is that there is a problem with the feed," Chow told reporters.

The new results have prompted officials to expand food testing to meat imports from China, Chow told reporters Sunday.

In an earlier egg-related food safety scare, the banned cancer-causing industrial dye, Sudan Red, was used to color egg yolks.

China is currently caught in a food safety scandal over dairy products tainted with melamine. More than 3,600 children remain sick in China from
contaminated milk, with three in serious condition, the Ministry of Health
said last week. The deaths of four infants have been blamed on dairy products
contaminated with melamine.

Authorities say middlemen apparently added melamine to milk they collected from farmers to sell to large dairy companies. The suppliers are accused of
watering down the milk and then adding the nitrogen-rich chemical to make
milk seem higher in protein when tested. Protein tests often simply measure nitrogen levels.

Calls to Dalian Hanwei Enterprise Group Sunday went unanswered.

Chow said Hong Kong officials will step up checks of eggs imported from

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