”麻麻地鍾意” 既英文

2008-10-27 3:30 am
如果有人問鍾唔鍾意食*** "Do you like to eat ***?"

我麻麻地鍾意食, 咁英文應該點答佢呀?

回答 (6)

2008-10-29 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, u can say ...
麻麻地鍾意食 = well, it is just ok
if u DO NOT like to eat = not really like.
參考: living in USA
2008-10-27 11:01 pm
A little bit like to eat.
參考: me
2008-10-27 10:19 pm
so-so, I'm indifferent

but english speaking people europeans? are usually nice and would give possitive answers even if they have to lie

if i were you i'll say:
It's alright
It's cool / I'm cool with it
I kind of do

or in slags, "meh"
參考: myself
2008-10-27 6:10 am
真係照字解就係so-so/ i dont mind it,其實聽起來似唔鐘意多D。

如果想客氣D,可以講: it's okay/ it's alright, 因為外國人除非同你好熟,否則通常間接D講「幾好丫」
參考: myself
2008-10-27 5:04 am
not exactly
參考: myself
2008-10-27 4:01 am
not really.
參考: me

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