2008-10-27 3:19 am
我想問有關heat 的問題
中文 or eng 都可以
但希望不是copy from website.
hope 你們能幫助我

1. calibration 是應該用steam over boiling water 定 boiling water ?因為我見到書一時一樣

2.我知道clinical thermometer 的constriction 的作用是令量完的temperature 不會fall back to bulb..但為何liquid 一開始可以pass through 個contriction.但之後又會被contriction 塞住..不能回glass bulb?

3.為什麼clinical thermometer 的bulb 前有一段空位?

4.thermocouple thermometer 是點用?ammeter 的reading 怎樣顯示temperature??

5.the length of the mercury columns of two mercury-in-glass thermometers are the same at 0 degree celsius.however,when they are placed in the same beaker of warm water,the lengths of the mercury column are different.suggest two possible reason. 希望有埋解釋

6.a cup of hot water is placed in a refrigerator.State whether the following statements are true or flase.
A.the average speed of the water molecules decreases
B.the average kinetic energy of the water molecules decreases
C.the internal energy of the cup of water decreases.

7.a student thinks that heat always flows from a body with more internal energy to body with less internal he correct?why?

8.WHY the statement 'a hot object must contain more heat than a cold object' is wrong?Explain.

9.charles uses a metal spoon to stir a cup of hot tea. the spoon and the eat soon reach the same temperature.Charles puts the spoon into his mouth and finds that it is not too hot. however, when he drinks the tea, it feels much hotter.explain this phenomenon.

10.conduction is a process in which heat flows through a medium form places of higher temperature to places of lower temperature 中的medium 是什麼?

11.can a vacuum flask be used to keep cold liquids at a nearly constant temperature? explain your answer.

回答 (3)

2008-10-29 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.calibration 是應該用boiling water …因為大家都知道,水到了100'C才會變boiling water,所以boiling water永遠是100'C。不過stream可以>100'C,所以不算太正確。
3. bulb前有一段空位?你指的是…bulb和contriction之間位置?
4. The two metal wires joined together at their ends to form two junctions.
One conjunction is kept at a constant temperature (eg.0'C的melting ice) and the other is placed at where the temperature is to be measured.
之後根據ammeter的reading 就會計算到temperature,至於怎樣計算出來,我校的老師也沒有說
5.a. the diameter of the tubes of two thermometer are different/b.the thickness of wall of the glass bulbs are different.Thin wall can facilitate heat transfer,so it has a quicker response(quicker response即是升得較快)
6. all are true
average speed of the water molecules=average kinetic energy of the water molecules=temperature of the cup of water
7.NO.Heat will only flow from a body with higher AVERAGE KINETIC ENERGY to body with less average kinetic energy ,我想說,heat會transfer 去另一個地方,是因為有temperature different!!而不是因為兩者有internal energy different !!!
8. 首先我懷疑這條問題有錯誤,應該把heat改成internal energy.
internal energy = total K.E. total P.E.
該物質的K.E.跟溫度有關,而該物質的P.E.在不同state有不同數值 (soild state最小, air state最大)hot object的AVERAGE K.E.雖然比cold object高,
但是我們不能說哪個的TOTAL K.E.較高,(一大杯泠水的TOTAL K.E.一定比0.001kg暖水的TOTAL K.E.高吧,明白嗎?)
因為internal energy = TOTAL K.E. total P.E.嘛,所以你知道這個concept就夠了:hot objects must have a higher temperature than cold objects,but not total kinetic energy or internal energy.
9.tea有水,water的specific heat capacity比metal spoon高,所以water每一kg每降一度所release的ENERGY,比metal spoon每一kg每降一度所release的ENERGY高,
1.charles個口溫度較低;2.heat flows from the spoon or tea to him;3.more energy is gained from the tea by charles;4.he feels the tea is much hotter
10.hotter object 同colder object 的接觸面就是medium,conduction沒有接觸面就不可occur
11.yes.because a vacuum flask is used to slow down heat transfer between outside and inside the vacuum flask. HEAT不易走出來,同樣也不易走進去

2008-10-28 22:53:13 補充:
internal energy = TOTAL K.E. + total P.E. (不知道為什麼少了個加號...)
參考: 自己
2008-10-28 5:51 am
1.不太明白,but when i do experiment, i put the thermometer in water.

2.There is a friction between the liquid & the glass of narrow bend increase because of capillarity.

3.It can prevent the liquid column from falling back.
Then, the temperature can be read with more time & accuracy.

4.A thermocouple consists of 2 wires of different metals joined at the end to form 2 junction.
The temperature difference causes current flow around circuit. Greater T, greater I, ammeter reading higher = higher T.
It needs a reference temperature, e.g.1 of 2 junction should be put in melting ice.

5.dunno, maybe warm water has heat loss to surrounding.

C:should be false, cuz the energy is stored inside.(真的不太肯定)

7.No,cuz heat always flows from a body with higher T to a body with lower T.

8.Because heat is the energy transferred through the process of heating but not contained by an object??

9.I guess it's abt. the heat capacity of water & other materials.

10.medium means 媒介. e.g. Puts a spoon into a cup of hot tea. Heat transfer within the spoon. (medium= spoon)


2008-10-27 21:52:30 補充:
Cuz those are only what i learned, i dunno if there is any mistake.
參考: My knowledge
2008-10-28 4:52 am
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