
2008-10-26 11:24 pm
China's white dolphin likely to be extinct
From correspondents in Beijing
Agence France-Presse
August 08, 2007 06:13pm

CHINA'S rapid industrialisation has likely made extinct a species of fresh water dolphin that had been on Earth for over 20 million years.
A team of scientists from China, Japan and the United States failed to find the white dolphin, known as the baiji, during a six-week search of its natural habitat in the Yangtze river late last year.

"This result means the baiji is likely extinct,'' Wang Ding, who led the survey and is one of the world's leading experts on the species, said.

The dolphin was a victim of devastating pollution, illegal fishing and heavy cargo traffic on the Yangtze, Wang said.

The findings mean the baiji is likely the first mammal to become extinct in more than 50 years. It is the cousin of the bottlenose dolphin, which is also on the critically endangered list.

Wang, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, emphasised that not all hope was lost for the dolphin, which had made its home along the lower reaches of China's now heavily polluted Yangtze River for more than 20 million years.

"We are no
t saying the baiji is already gone,'' he said.

But he lamented that further searches this year had failed to find any sign of the dolphin.

Wang said that a letter written by the survey team had been published in the latest issue of the Royal Society Biology Letters journal in Britain to confirm the dolphin was believed to be extinct.

The baiji, identifiable by its long, teeth-filled snout and low dorsal fin, was last officially sighted more than two years ago.

The last confirmed count by a research team was conducted in 1997, when just 13 were recorded. Up to 5000 baiji were believed to have lived in the Yangtze less than a century ago, according to the baiji.org website, which was established by a range of international conservation groups. 下面有補充


Other rare species that live in the Yangtze, such as the Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise, are also in danger of extinction.

回答 (5)

2008-10-27 6:03 am
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China's white dolphin likely to be extinct 中華白海豚可能絕種
From correspondents in Beijing來自北京的通訊
Agence France-Presse法新社
August 08, 2007 06:13pm零七年八月八日, 下午六時十三分

CHINA'S rapid industrialisation has likely made extinct a species of fresh water dolphin that had been on Earth for over 20 million years.中國急速的工業化,很可能已經令到在地球生活超過二千年的淡水海豚類絕種。
A team of scientists from China, Japan and the United States failed to find the white dolphin, known as the baiji, during a six-week search of its natural habitat in the Yangtze river late last year. 去年近年尾,一組中國、日本和美國科學家在長江,就是白海豚(又名「白忌」)的天然居住地,六個星期的搜索中,找不到牠就們。

"This result means the baiji is likely extinct,'' Wang Ding, who led the survey and is one of the world's leading experts on the species, said.黃定說:『這結果顯示「白忌」很可能絕種。』,他是世界上這物種的其中一位領導級專家,又是帶領這研究的人。

The dolphin was a victim of devastating pollution, illegal fishing and heavy cargo traffic on the Yangtze, Wang said他說:『海豚是長江上廣泛污染、非法捕魚和頻繁貨運的受害者。』
The findings mean the baiji is likely the first mammal to become extinct in more than 50 years. 這結果顯示「白忌」可能是五十多年之間,第一種絕種的哺乳類動物。
It is the cousin of the bottlenose dolphin, which is also on the critically endangered list. 牠是樽鼻海豚的近親,而樽鼻海豚也是在頻臨危害的名單當中。

2008-10-26 22:11:50 補充:
Wang, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, emphasised that not all hope was lost for the dolphin, which had made its home along the lower reaches of China's now heavily polluted Yangtze River for more than 20 million years. 來自中國科學院的黃定強調,對於海豚,不是完全絕望的。牠們居住在中國現時嚴重污染的長江下游沿岸,超過二千萬年。

2008-10-26 22:24:53 補充:
"We are not saying the baiji is already gone,'' he said. 他說:『我們不是說「白忌」已經消失了。』
But he lamented that further searches this year had failed to find any sign of the dolphin. 但他悲嘆今年繼續搜索也找不到一點海豚的蹤影。

2008-10-26 22:33:35 補充:
Wang said that a letter written by the survey team had been published in the latest issue of the Royal Society Biology Letters journal in Britain to confirm the dolphin was believed to be extinct他說在英國最近一期皇家社會生物信報,發表了由研究隊寫的信,證實海豚相信會絕種。

2008-10-26 22:54:03 補充:
The baiji, identifiable by its long, teeth-filled snout and low dorsal fin, was last officially sighted more than two years ago. 『白忌』憑著牠的長型而長滿牙齒的鼻嘴,和低位置的胸鰭,可被辨認得出。牠們上次正式被看見,已超過兩年前。

2008-10-26 23:02:07 補充:
The last confirmed count by a research team was conducted in 1997, when just 13 were recorded研究隊最後一次點算是在 1997年,只有十三條海豚被紀錄。

2008-10-26 23:02:13 補充:
Up to 5000 baiji were believed to have lived in the Yangtze less than a century ago, according to the baiji.org website, which was established by a range of international conservation groups.
'The baiji.org.'網站是由不同的國際環保團體共同成立的。根據這網站的消息,不足一個世紀之前,相信多達五千條『白忌』住在長江。

2008-10-26 23:06:07 補充:
Other rare species that live in the Yangtze, such as the Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise, are also in danger of extinction. 其他住在長江的稀有品種,就如中華鱘和無鮨海豚,也是在絕種的危機中。
2008-10-27 2:02 am
China' 可能s白色的海豚绝種從通訊員在北京法新社 2007 8月08日, 06:13 pm CHINA' S迅速工業化可能使成为绝種在地球上20百萬年的種類淡水海豚。 科學家隊從中國、日本和美國的沒有在长江發現白色海豚,去年下半年叫作baiji,在它的自然生态环境期間六個星期的查尋。 " 這個結果意味baiji可能绝種, ' ' Wang丁,帶領勘測并且是一个world' 關於種類的s主導的专家,說。 海豚是毀滅的汙染的受害者,非法漁和在揚子的重的貨物交通, Wang說。 研究結果意味baiji是可能的变得第一隻的哺乳動物绝種在超过50年。 它是宽吻海豚的表兄弟,也在危急地危險的名單上。 Wang,從中國科学院,強調不是所有的希望為海豚丧失了,做了它的沿更低的伸手可及的距離的家China' s沉重現在汙染了长江超过20百萬年。 " 我們是沒有 說的t baiji已經去, ' ' 他說。 但是他哀嘆进一步查尋今年未發現海豚的任何標誌。 Wang說勘测队寫的信件在皇家社會生物信件學報的最新的問題被出版在英國證實海豚应该绝種。 baiji,可識別由它長,牙被填裝的口鼻部和低背鳍,是為時正式地被看見超过二年前。 當13被記錄了,由研究小组的最后被證實的計數在1997年被舉辦了。 5000 baiji在揚子少于一個世紀应该住前,根據baiji.org網站,由國際保護小組的範圍建立。在揚子住,例如中國鱘魚和無鰭的海豚的其他罕見的種類,也是有绝種的危險。

我想的,i want to die。
參考: 么
2008-10-27 1:43 am
2007 8月08日, 06:13 pm


" 這個結果意味baiji可能绝種, " Wang丁,帶領勘測并且是其中一位關於種類的世界主导专家,說。

海豚是毀滅的汙染的受害者,非法漁和在揚子的重的貨物交通, Wang說。

研究結果意味baiji是可能的变得第一隻的哺乳動物绝種在超过50年。 它是宽吻海豚的表兄弟,也在危急地危險的名單上。


" 我們是沒有
說的t baiji已經去, "他說。




5000 baiji在揚子少于一個世紀应该住前,根據baiji.org網站,由國際保護小組的範圍建立。

2008-10-27 12:02 am

2007 8月08日, 06:13 pm


" 這個結果意味baiji可能绝種, " Wang丁,帶領勘測并且是其中一位關於種類的世界主导专家,說。

海豚是毀滅的汙染的受害者,非法漁和在揚子的重的貨物交通, Wang說。

研究結果意味baiji是可能的变得第一隻的哺乳動物绝種在超过50年。 它是宽吻海豚的表兄弟,也在危急地危險的名單上。


" 我們是沒有
說的t baiji已經去, "他說。




5000 baiji在揚子少于一個世紀应该住前,根據baiji.org網站,由國際保護小組的範圍建立。

參考: ME
2008-10-26 11:38 pm
2007 8月08日, 06:13 pm


" 這個結果意味baiji可能绝種, " Wang丁,帶領勘測并且是其中一位關於種類的世界主导专家,說。

海豚是毀滅的汙染的受害者,非法漁和在揚子的重的貨物交通, Wang說。

研究結果意味baiji是可能的变得第一隻的哺乳動物绝種在超过50年。 它是宽吻海豚的表兄弟,也在危急地危險的名單上。


" 我們是沒有
說的t baiji已經去, "他說。




5000 baiji在揚子少于一個世紀应该住前,根據baiji.org網站,由國際保護小組的範圍建立。

參考: yahooxx ,i hope i can help you!!/\ /\

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