✔ 最佳答案
1. 你認同聖經是你個人信仰和生活的權威嗎? Do you accept the Bible as the authority of your personal beliefs and life?
2. 試想出最少三個有關聖經與你的關係? Try to think out at least in three ways the Bible is related to you?
3. 如果你接受聖經的權威﹐你又怎樣對待聖經呢? If you accept the authority of the Bible, then how would you treat the Bible?
4. 從信仰生活上,你體會到聖經對你幫助的例子嗎?試分享。 From the point of religious life, can you think of any example of realising the Bible being helpful to you? Please share your experience.
5. 你閱讀聖經時常遇到以下哪些方面的困難? What difficulty do you normally encounter in reading the Bible?
不懂如何解釋聖經 Not knowing how to interpret the Bible.
不懂如何應用聖經 Not knowing how to use/apply the Bible.
沒有時間研讀聖經 Not having enough time to study the Bible.
現實生活與聖經教導似乎不協調 Real life and the preaching of the Bible appear to be incongruous.
對神沒有信心 Lack of confidence in God.
對聖經有錯誤的假設,例如只有傳道人才懂得聖經 Having false assumptions on the Bible, for example, assuming that only the missionaries understand the Bible.
其他 Others
6. 以上為什麼成為你的困難?能有改善的方法嗎? Why do the above matters cause you problems? Are there any ways for improvement?