
2008-10-26 10:31 pm
還有個半月租約的死約滿, 仍有一年生約, 可否要求業主減租, 因同區租金已跌了$3000 ?

如果成功, 是否要再訂租約寫明租金? 哪裡打stamp? 手續如何? 上次是property agency 做的

如退租, 是否可以用已付的兩個月租金deposit 比最後一個月租, 剩下的一個月按金才在最後退回?

回答 (2)

2008-10-27 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
還有個半月租約的死約滿, 仍有一年生約, 可否要求業主減租, 因同區租金已跌了$3000 ?

如果成功, 是否要再訂租約寫明租金? 哪裡打stamp? 手續如何? 上次是property agency 做的。

如退租, 是否可以用已付的兩個月租金deposit 比最後一個月租, 剩下的一個月按金才在最後退回?
參考: 個人理解
2008-10-26 11:52 pm
actually, a contract is an agreement between you and the landlord. Therefore, you can ask for reduce of rent at any time, as long as you and the landlord can reach a mutual agreement.

Of course, once your rent is adjusted, your original tenancy agreement is terminated by mutual agreement, and you have to formulate a new tenancy agreement for the new rent.

You can draft a new tenancy agreement by just copying the original one, and amend the monthly rent. Normally, it is a standard one. Or otherwise, you can get a standard tenancy agreement from the web.

For all written tenancy agreement, stamp duty is a must.
You can pay it online.

Unless the landlord has agreed beforehand, the deposit cannot be used to offset rental payment.
http://www.eaa.org.hk/consumers/doc/tenancy.pdf (see item 7).

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