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The flowering plants or angiosperms (Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta) are the most widespread group of land plants. The flowering plants and the gymnosperms are the only extant groups of seed plants. The flowering plants are distinguished from other seed plants by a series of apomorphies, or derived characteristics.
Non-flowering plants are some of the oldest plants on earth.
Some famous non flowering plants are ferns and horsetails. You can often see horsetails growing as weeds in gardens and fields.
Fossils of these ferns and horsetails can often be seen in pieces of coal.
Non flowering plants have survived for so long because they have been able to adapt to all the changes that have taken place on earth.
Non flowering plants are usually simpler than flowering plants.
But because they do not have flowers, they have to reproduce in other ways.
Non flowering plants grow from spores and not seeds.
喬木及灌木有很多木質細胞及其他擁有厚細胞壁的細胞,它們可以聚積足夠的硬度,令整株植物可以直立地生長。其實,擁有厚細胞壁身的細胞主要有三種。厚角細胞通常在莖部外圍找到,它們的細胞壁的邊緣及角落位置都有加厚的現象,令其細胞變硬。厚壁細胞是長而窄的已死細胞,它的細胞壁非常厚,且有木質素,可以在莖部外圍,及木質組織內找到。木質導管是木質組織內負責輸水的細胞,它的形狀與 細胞十分相似,但管道比較闊,除運輸水及鹽分之外,當然也有支持的功能。喬木比灌木更高,它需要更多支持細胞。幸好,牠們可以進行次級生長,更多更多的木質製造出來之下,喬木就可以生長得高入雲